El Matador Engagement Malibu | Melia + Jeff

I headed down with Melia + Jeff to Malibu to capture their El Matador engagement. We lucked out and practically had the beach all to ourselves! From the first time that I met with them to discuss their wedding plans, I knew that I not only needed to shoot their wedding but I knew us working together was going to be so much fun. Needless to say, this engagement session did not disappoint!

The outfits chosen for our shoot were a perfect expression of tastefulness and that laid-back California beach style that I’ve come to love. Melia looked stunning in her navy blue and black maxi dresses which complimented Jeff’s classic button-up with jeans and rolled cuffs.

We strolled along the beach taking in the natural beauty of the warm sunlit coast. As we passed along the rocks and tide pools scattered across the beach we shared stories and laughs while dodging some rogue waves. One small piece of advice for all of you photographers out there and couples looking to have your photos taken at the beach: check the tide report! I have overlooked that detail a few times now and it’s a little tricky when you have little to no beach to shoot on. Luckily for us, there was no swimming required during this El Matador engagement shoot. I do have to say though, capturing the reactions of couples that are broadsided by unknown waves makes for some hilarious and memory-worthy photos.

As the sun dipped behind the cliffs and we felt the first cold breaths of the evening air we headed back towards our cars. I took some last shots of the couple overlooking the beach, enjoying the last few minutes of light. Working with Melia + Jeff was so much fun and I can’t imagine what’s in store for their wedding in Malibu later this year!

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el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

el matador engagement malibu

Scandinavian Vacation in Copenhagen and Stockholm

Earlier this year my girlfriend Lindsey and myself flew out to Europe to enjoy a little Scandinavian vacation. We have a tradition that every year on our birthday we fly one another to a destination of our choice, so this year Linds and I decided to fly to Denmark and Sweden. Since we would be leaving in January we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to indulge in some wintertime fun and take in the sights. We decided to spend a week in each city, starting with Copenhagen and ending our trip in Stockholm.

We got into Stockholm late in the evening. Most of the city was already asleep, so we decided to check into our hotel and go grab a bite to eat before resting up for tomorrow’s adventures. We booked our accommodations at Hotel Danmark, a modern boutique hotel located in the city center. After dropping off our bags in the room we headed down the street for a late night bite. We stumbled upon an authentic Danish restaurant that we thought would be perfect to hit the spot and would be a perfect welcome to the country.

Before the trip we saved all of our highest points of interest so that when we arrived we could start out on a good foot and start knocking locations off of our list right away. In the morning we had some breakfast downstairs in the hotel (which was delicious!) and then headed out for the day’s excursions. During our seven days in Copenhagen we visited a variety of beautiful hotels, exquisite restaurants and pastry shops, and toured opulent castles. We walked the narrow, stone cobblestone streets of the city and marveled in the country’s vast history. One of the days we headed to Nyhavn, one of the most popular little parts of Copenhagen. Everyone knows this area for the colorful buildings overlooking the water. From there we took a (very cold) boat tour around the city.

Our second stop on our trip was to the city of Stockholm. One of my good friends from college and previous brides Ellie lives just outside of the city and picked Lindsey and I up from the airport. We headed out to visit one of the country’s castles- Drottningholm. Including Copenhagen, this was our first trip that we ever stepped foot inside of a castle. The words extravagant and palatial don’t even begin to describe what these places look like. After our tour we headed to a nearby restaurant for some tasty Swedish waffles. Later that day we headed into downtown Stockholm where our hotel was- Hotel Drottning Kristina. This base of operations for us was just a stones-throw away from endless restaurants, amazing shopping, and right off the water.

Over the next few days we visited enormous churches, toured design museums, shopped like it was going out of style, and indulged in the best Swedish meatballs I’ve had. We even stopped off at an outdoor zoo which was snow-covered at the time and beautiful to see! We ended our trip with full hearts (and stomachs) and brought back with us some once-in-a-lifetime memories. If you ever have a chance to do a Scandinavian vacation of your own I highly recommend doing so!

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Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

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Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Scandinavian vacation

Film Lab | Richard Photo Lab

Scandinavian Vacation

Malibu Hills Engagement | Jackie + Nick

Malibu Hills Engagement

With all of the wonderful weather we’ve been experiencing in California recently, I headed out with Jackie and Nick for a Malibu Hills engagement session. Besides the fact that we virtually had the park all to ourselves, we lucked out with perfect weather and the most beautiful Springtime colors.

Originally from separate coasts, Jackie and Nick met a few years back in California and will be getting married later this year in New Jersey. Because of the location that we chose for their engagement session, Jackie and Nick leaned more towards the semi-casual side for their outfits which were perfectly balanced with one another. Jackie’s first look of the day was an all-white floor length dress with a slit up the leg. Nick donned a navy button up with khaki slacks and brown leather dress shoes. As the day turned into evening Jackie changed into a gorgeous floor-length floral dress with an open back while Nick sported a white button up.

The pair has such incredible natural chemistry with one another that I had to hardly do anything besides clicking the shutter. Rather than posing my couples as many people do, I prefer to direct them as if we were shooting a scene in a movie. As we explored the area together, chatting from one location to another, I would give them both little scenes to set out for me. This works perfectly to capture the genuine connection between my couples and so as to not make them feel awkward and worry about hand placement, body positioning etc.

Towards the end of our session, I took them to one of my favorite locations on the property—a giant oak tree that is more than 100 years old. I don’t normally shoot on black and white film during my sessions but I decided to do a little experimentation and try my hand at it. You can only improve if you take risks, right? I am thrilled that I did so because the images turned out freaking beautiful! It’s convinced me to shoot more black and white and take more chances with my work. We ended the session with celebratory high-fives and watched the sun set behind the mountains.

Lab | Richard Photo Lab
Film | Portra 160 // Fuji 400h // Ilford 3200

Boston Engagement | Lily + Steven

Boston Engagement

Over Halloween weekend, we took a day trip to capture Lily and Steven’s Fall Boston engagement session. We would only be in town for 8 hours, so we had to move quickly upon our arrival. Our first stop (non-photo related) was to James Hook and Co for some tasty lobster rolls. A proper introduction to this famous East Coast city.

After stuffing our faces, we were off to the Boston Public Library. This building was on the top of my list after researching to find classic architecture around downtown. After arriving, it simply was not feasible with the sheer amount of visitors that were constantly meandering around. We quickly hopped in our car and headed to location number two- the Gas Lamp District. This place checked all the boxes. From the classic cobblestone streets to the historic, ivy-covered homes I was in photographer’s heaven.

When we finished scouting there it was time to meet up with Lily, Steven, and their pup Sydney. Lily is a student at Harvard so we started their session in Cambridge. As we made our way across the grounds we admired all of the classic East Coast architecture. It was made even more beautiful by all of the surrounding fall foliage. We met out front of  Widener Library, one of the most iconic buildings on Harvard’s campus. Sydney donned a blue bandana with the couple’s wedding date. It was perfectly color-coordinated with Lily and Steven’s outfits. After grabbing some shots on campus we headed over to our next location- the Charles River.

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Downtown Boston

We left Cambridge after snapping photos at the river and made our way back into downtown Boston. Our first stop was Acorn Street- the epitome of old-school Boston. Being one of the last few remaining cobblestone streets of Boston I knew this would be a beautifully unique location. We walked a bit, finding beautiful little nooks and captured lots of sweet moments along the way. Lily and Steven donned their alternate outfits and looked so dreamy together! Lily wore a white floor-length dress and Steven sported a midnight blue suit and brown leather dress shoes.

Our last location of the evening was Boston Harbor. As we arrived, the sun just began to dip behind the clouds and blessed us with gorgeous light. We could see sailboats taking evening tours around the harbor which made for the best background. It was so fun to see them go by and cheer on this awesome couple. I’m beyond thrilled that we were able to meet up with Lily and Steven. I can’t wait to see them again this Summer for their <a href=”https://alexwphotography.com/weddings/conti-di-san-bonifacio-wedding/”>wedding in Tuscany</a>!

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boston engagement

Fresh Colors For Our New Season Tables

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Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.[/fusion_text][fusion_title title_type=”text” rotation_effect=”bounceIn” display_time=”1200″ highlight_effect=”circle” loop_animation=”off” highlight_width=”9″ highlight_top_margin=”0″ before_text=”” highlight_text=”” after_text=”” content_align=”left” size=”3″ font_size=”” animated_font_size=”” line_height=”” letter_spacing=”” text_color=”” animated_text_color=”” highlight_color=”” style_type=”default” sep_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]Qui voluptatum et ab sunt tenetur voluptas.[/fusion_title][fusion_text]Consequatur modi et sapiente ut. Omnis voluptatum quia. Nihil iure doloremque voluptas dignissimos. Labore sunt esse illum qui molestias delectus voluptatibus. Sit impedit eum aliquam porro possimus laborum aut nostrum. Vel atque laboriosam explicabo non voluptas.[/fusion_text][fusion_text fusion_font_variant_text_font=””]

Soluta fuga voluptas odit officiis assumenda sed. Error similique et esse est harum earum tenetur explicabo autem. Aut ea distinctio et labore cupiditate nam repellat ducimus voluptatem.

[/fusion_text][fusion_text]Aut in quisquam veniam aut. Quae consequuntur culpa. Qui ea adipisci optio cumque temporibus omnis. Quia quo est est nisi possimus non. Facilis qui maiores quia et aut. Eum eveniet maiores qui sunt asperiores.[/fusion_text][fusion_text]Repellat vel ipsa modi. Tenetur ducimus et saepe voluptate. Perferendis non aut quos quod natus eos quasi libero inventore.[/fusion_text][fusion_title title_type=”text” rotation_effect=”bounceIn” display_time=”1200″ highlight_effect=”circle” loop_animation=”off” highlight_width=”9″ highlight_top_margin=”0″ before_text=”” rotation_text=”” highlight_text=”” after_text=”” content_align=”left” size=”2″ font_size=”” animated_font_size=”” line_height=”” letter_spacing=”” text_color=”” animated_text_color=”” highlight_color=”” style_type=”default” sep_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]

Mauris tellus massa, tempus quis elit accumsan, lobortis.


Quae quia quaerat totam vel. In dolorem esse illo corrupti et. Perspiciatis ratione est sed ut et voluptate velit magnam dicta. Quae rem sed ut autem ut numquam. Reprehenderit nobis distinctio sint id quidem repudiandae.


Minima eveniet et. Quia repudiandae quidem aut id aspernatur et ea ipsum. Dolor occaecati debitis quasi quo veniam.

[/fusion_text][fusion_title title_type=”text” rotation_effect=”bounceIn” display_time=”1200″ highlight_effect=”circle” loop_animation=”off” highlight_width=”9″ highlight_top_margin=”0″ before_text=”” rotation_text=”” highlight_text=”” after_text=”” content_align=”left” size=”3″ font_size=”” animated_font_size=”” line_height=”” letter_spacing=”” text_color=”” animated_text_color=”” highlight_color=”” style_type=”default” sep_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]

Phasellus ac quam vitae mauris mollis

[/fusion_title][fusion_text]Velit at eveniet sint at et. Autem cum officiis reiciendis est corrupti sunt corrupti omnis consequatur. Sunt alias enim. Repudiandae sequi nihil quam non suscipit.

Consectetur error odio voluptatem est. Magni doloremque possimus exercitationem repellendus quo non praesentium. Exercitationem est laudantium porro ipsa dolorem quasi aspernatur sed ipsam, eligendi repudiandae nostrum.[/fusion_text][fusion_separator style_type=”single solid” sep_color=”” border_size=”” icon=”” icon_circle=”” icon_circle_color=”” alignment=”center” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” top_margin=”8%” bottom_margin=”” /][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_6″ type=”1_6″ layout=”1_6″ spacing=”” center_content=”no” link=”” target=”_self” min_height=”” hide_on_mobile=”medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” hover_type=”none” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” border_position=”all” box_shadow=”no” box_shadow_blur=”0″ box_shadow_spread=”0″ box_shadow_color=”” box_shadow_style=”” background_type=”single” gradient_start_position=”0″ gradient_end_position=”100″ gradient_type=”linear” radial_direction=”center center” linear_angle=”180″ background_color=”” background_image=”” background_image_id=”” background_position=”left top” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_blend_mode=”none” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” filter_type=”regular” filter_hue=”0″ filter_saturation=”100″ filter_brightness=”100″ filter_contrast=”100″ filter_invert=”0″ filter_sepia=”0″ filter_opacity=”100″ filter_blur=”0″ filter_hue_hover=”0″ filter_saturation_hover=”100″ filter_brightness_hover=”100″ filter_contrast_hover=”100″ filter_invert_hover=”0″ filter_sepia_hover=”0″ filter_opacity_hover=”100″ filter_blur_hover=”0″ first=”false” last=”true” element_content=”” margin_bottom=”0px” margin_top=”5px” border_sizes_top=”0px” border_sizes_bottom=”0px” border_sizes_left=”0px” border_sizes_right=”0px”][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container][fusion_global id=”720″]

Find the Perfect Table Your Floor Will Love

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Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.[/fusion_text][fusion_title title_type=”text” rotation_effect=”bounceIn” display_time=”1200″ highlight_effect=”circle” loop_animation=”off” highlight_width=”9″ highlight_top_margin=”0″ before_text=”” highlight_text=”” after_text=”” content_align=”left” size=”3″ font_size=”” animated_font_size=”” line_height=”” letter_spacing=”” text_color=”” animated_text_color=”” highlight_color=”” style_type=”default” sep_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]Qui voluptatum et ab sunt tenetur voluptas.[/fusion_title][fusion_text]Consequatur modi et sapiente ut. Omnis voluptatum quia. Nihil iure doloremque voluptas dignissimos. Labore sunt esse illum qui molestias delectus voluptatibus. Sit impedit eum aliquam porro possimus laborum aut nostrum. Vel atque laboriosam explicabo non voluptas.[/fusion_text][fusion_text fusion_font_variant_text_font=””]

Soluta fuga voluptas odit officiis assumenda sed. Error similique et esse est harum earum tenetur explicabo autem. Aut ea distinctio et labore cupiditate nam repellat ducimus voluptatem.

[/fusion_text][fusion_text]Aut in quisquam veniam aut. Quae consequuntur culpa. Qui ea adipisci optio cumque temporibus omnis. Quia quo est est nisi possimus non. Facilis qui maiores quia et aut. Eum eveniet maiores qui sunt asperiores.[/fusion_text][fusion_text]Repellat vel ipsa modi. Tenetur ducimus et saepe voluptate. Perferendis non aut quos quod natus eos quasi libero inventore.[/fusion_text][fusion_title title_type=”text” rotation_effect=”bounceIn” display_time=”1200″ highlight_effect=”circle” loop_animation=”off” highlight_width=”9″ highlight_top_margin=”0″ before_text=”” rotation_text=”” highlight_text=”” after_text=”” content_align=”left” size=”2″ font_size=”” animated_font_size=”” line_height=”” letter_spacing=”” text_color=”” animated_text_color=”” highlight_color=”” style_type=”default” sep_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]

Mauris tellus massa, tempus quis elit accumsan, lobortis.


Quae quia quaerat totam vel. In dolorem esse illo corrupti et. Perspiciatis ratione est sed ut et voluptate velit magnam dicta. Quae rem sed ut autem ut numquam. Reprehenderit nobis distinctio sint id quidem repudiandae.


Minima eveniet et. Quia repudiandae quidem aut id aspernatur et ea ipsum. Dolor occaecati debitis quasi quo veniam.

[/fusion_text][fusion_title title_type=”text” rotation_effect=”bounceIn” display_time=”1200″ highlight_effect=”circle” loop_animation=”off” highlight_width=”9″ highlight_top_margin=”0″ before_text=”” rotation_text=”” highlight_text=”” after_text=”” content_align=”left” size=”3″ font_size=”” animated_font_size=”” line_height=”” letter_spacing=”” text_color=”” animated_text_color=”” highlight_color=”” style_type=”default” sep_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]

Phasellus ac quam vitae mauris mollis

[/fusion_title][fusion_text]Velit at eveniet sint at et. Autem cum officiis reiciendis est corrupti sunt corrupti omnis consequatur. Sunt alias enim. Repudiandae sequi nihil quam non suscipit.

Consectetur error odio voluptatem est. Magni doloremque possimus exercitationem repellendus quo non praesentium. Exercitationem est laudantium porro ipsa dolorem quasi aspernatur sed ipsam, eligendi repudiandae nostrum.[/fusion_text][fusion_separator style_type=”single solid” sep_color=”” border_size=”” icon=”” icon_circle=”” icon_circle_color=”” alignment=”center” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” top_margin=”8%” bottom_margin=”” /][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_6″ type=”1_6″ layout=”1_6″ spacing=”” center_content=”no” link=”” target=”_self” min_height=”” hide_on_mobile=”medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” hover_type=”none” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” border_position=”all” box_shadow=”no” box_shadow_blur=”0″ box_shadow_spread=”0″ box_shadow_color=”” box_shadow_style=”” background_type=”single” gradient_start_position=”0″ gradient_end_position=”100″ gradient_type=”linear” radial_direction=”center center” linear_angle=”180″ background_color=”” background_image=”” background_image_id=”” background_position=”left top” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_blend_mode=”none” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” filter_type=”regular” filter_hue=”0″ filter_saturation=”100″ filter_brightness=”100″ filter_contrast=”100″ filter_invert=”0″ filter_sepia=”0″ filter_opacity=”100″ filter_blur=”0″ filter_hue_hover=”0″ filter_saturation_hover=”100″ filter_brightness_hover=”100″ filter_contrast_hover=”100″ filter_invert_hover=”0″ filter_sepia_hover=”0″ filter_opacity_hover=”100″ filter_blur_hover=”0″ first=”false” last=”true” element_content=”” margin_bottom=”0px” margin_top=”5px” border_sizes_top=”0px” border_sizes_bottom=”0px” border_sizes_left=”0px” border_sizes_right=”0px”][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container][fusion_global id=”720″]

Where to Start When Designing Your Dream Kitchen

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”no” hundred_percent_height=”no” hundred_percent_height_scroll=”no” hundred_percent_height_center_content=”yes” equal_height_columns=”no” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” status=”published” border_style=”solid” padding_bottom=”0px” gradient_start_position=”0″ gradient_end_position=”100″ gradient_type=”linear” radial_direction=”center center” linear_angle=”180″ background_position=”center center” background_repeat=”no-repeat” fade=”no” background_parallax=”none” enable_mobile=”no” parallax_speed=”0.3″ background_blend_mode=”none” video_aspect_ratio=”16:9″ video_loop=”yes” video_mute=”yes” filter_hue=”0″ filter_saturation=”100″ filter_brightness=”100″ filter_contrast=”100″ filter_invert=”0″ filter_sepia=”0″ filter_opacity=”100″ filter_blur=”0″ filter_hue_hover=”0″ filter_saturation_hover=”100″ filter_brightness_hover=”100″ filter_contrast_hover=”100″ filter_invert_hover=”0″ filter_sepia_hover=”0″ filter_opacity_hover=”100″ filter_blur_hover=”0″ admin_label=”Content” flex_align_items=”flex-start” flex_justify_content=”flex-start” padding_top_medium=”20px” padding_right_small=”10px” padding_left_small=”10px” padding_right_medium=”30px” padding_left_medium=”30px” type=”flex”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_6″ type=”1_6″ layout=”1_6″ spacing=”” center_content=”no” link=”” target=”_self” min_height=”” hide_on_mobile=”medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” hover_type=”none” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” border_position=”all” box_shadow=”no” box_shadow_blur=”0″ box_shadow_spread=”0″ box_shadow_color=”” box_shadow_style=”” background_type=”single” gradient_start_position=”0″ gradient_end_position=”100″ gradient_type=”linear” radial_direction=”center center” linear_angle=”180″ background_color=”” background_image=”” background_image_id=”” background_position=”left top” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_blend_mode=”none” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” filter_type=”regular” filter_hue=”0″ filter_saturation=”100″ filter_brightness=”100″ filter_contrast=”100″ filter_invert=”0″ filter_sepia=”0″ filter_opacity=”100″ filter_blur=”0″ filter_hue_hover=”0″ filter_saturation_hover=”100″ filter_brightness_hover=”100″ filter_contrast_hover=”100″ filter_invert_hover=”0″ filter_sepia_hover=”0″ filter_opacity_hover=”100″ filter_blur_hover=”0″ first=”true” last=”false” element_content=”” margin_bottom=”0px” margin_top=”5px” border_sizes_top=”0px” border_sizes_bottom=”0px” border_sizes_left=”0px” border_sizes_right=”0px” spacing_right=””][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”2_3″ type=”2_3″ layout=”2_3″ spacing=”” center_content=”no” link=”” target=”_self” min_height=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” hover_type=”none” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” border_position=”all” box_shadow=”no” box_shadow_blur=”0″ box_shadow_spread=”0″ box_shadow_color=”” box_shadow_style=”” background_type=”single” gradient_start_position=”0″ gradient_end_position=”100″ gradient_type=”linear” radial_direction=”center center” linear_angle=”180″ background_color=”” background_image=”” background_image_id=”” background_position=”left top” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_blend_mode=”none” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” filter_type=”regular” filter_hue=”0″ filter_saturation=”100″ filter_brightness=”100″ filter_contrast=”100″ filter_invert=”0″ filter_sepia=”0″ filter_opacity=”100″ filter_blur=”0″ filter_hue_hover=”0″ filter_saturation_hover=”100″ filter_brightness_hover=”100″ filter_contrast_hover=”100″ filter_invert_hover=”0″ filter_sepia_hover=”0″ filter_opacity_hover=”100″ filter_blur_hover=”0″ first=”false” last=”false” margin_bottom=”20px” border_sizes_top=”0px” border_sizes_bottom=”0px” border_sizes_left=”0px” border_sizes_right=”0px” spacing_right=”” align_self=”auto” align_content=”flex-start”][fusion_title title_type=”text” rotation_effect=”bounceIn” display_time=”1200″ highlight_effect=”circle” loop_animation=”off” highlight_width=”9″ highlight_top_margin=”0″ before_text=”” rotation_text=”” highlight_text=”” after_text=”” content_align=”left” size=”2″ font_size=”” animated_font_size=”” line_height=”” letter_spacing=”” text_color=”” animated_text_color=”” highlight_color=”” style_type=”default” sep_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]Dicta hic harum et occaecati ad.[/fusion_title][fusion_text]Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.[/fusion_text][fusion_title title_type=”text” rotation_effect=”bounceIn” display_time=”1200″ highlight_effect=”circle” loop_animation=”off” highlight_width=”9″ highlight_top_margin=”0″ before_text=”” highlight_text=”” after_text=”” content_align=”left” size=”3″ font_size=”” animated_font_size=”” line_height=”” letter_spacing=”” text_color=”” animated_text_color=”” highlight_color=”” style_type=”default” sep_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]Qui voluptatum et ab sunt tenetur voluptas.[/fusion_title][fusion_text]Consequatur modi et sapiente ut. Omnis voluptatum quia. Nihil iure doloremque voluptas dignissimos. Labore sunt esse illum qui molestias delectus voluptatibus. Sit impedit eum aliquam porro possimus laborum aut nostrum. Vel atque laboriosam explicabo non voluptas.[/fusion_text][fusion_text fusion_font_variant_text_font=””]

Soluta fuga voluptas odit officiis assumenda sed. Error similique et esse est harum earum tenetur explicabo autem. Aut ea distinctio et labore cupiditate nam repellat ducimus voluptatem.

[/fusion_text][fusion_text]Aut in quisquam veniam aut. Quae consequuntur culpa. Qui ea adipisci optio cumque temporibus omnis. Quia quo est est nisi possimus non. Facilis qui maiores quia et aut. Eum eveniet maiores qui sunt asperiores.[/fusion_text][fusion_text]Repellat vel ipsa modi. Tenetur ducimus et saepe voluptate. Perferendis non aut quos quod natus eos quasi libero inventore.[/fusion_text][fusion_title title_type=”text” rotation_effect=”bounceIn” display_time=”1200″ highlight_effect=”circle” loop_animation=”off” highlight_width=”9″ highlight_top_margin=”0″ before_text=”” rotation_text=”” highlight_text=”” after_text=”” content_align=”left” size=”2″ font_size=”” animated_font_size=”” line_height=”” letter_spacing=”” text_color=”” animated_text_color=”” highlight_color=”” style_type=”default” sep_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]

Mauris tellus massa, tempus quis elit accumsan, lobortis.


Quae quia quaerat totam vel. In dolorem esse illo corrupti et. Perspiciatis ratione est sed ut et voluptate velit magnam dicta. Quae rem sed ut autem ut numquam. Reprehenderit nobis distinctio sint id quidem repudiandae.


Minima eveniet et. Quia repudiandae quidem aut id aspernatur et ea ipsum. Dolor occaecati debitis quasi quo veniam.

[/fusion_text][fusion_title title_type=”text” rotation_effect=”bounceIn” display_time=”1200″ highlight_effect=”circle” loop_animation=”off” highlight_width=”9″ highlight_top_margin=”0″ before_text=”” rotation_text=”” highlight_text=”” after_text=”” content_align=”left” size=”3″ font_size=”” animated_font_size=”” line_height=”” letter_spacing=”” text_color=”” animated_text_color=”” highlight_color=”” style_type=”default” sep_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]

Phasellus ac quam vitae mauris mollis

[/fusion_title][fusion_text]Velit at eveniet sint at et. Autem cum officiis reiciendis est corrupti sunt corrupti omnis consequatur. Sunt alias enim. Repudiandae sequi nihil quam non suscipit.

Consectetur error odio voluptatem est. Magni doloremque possimus exercitationem repellendus quo non praesentium. Exercitationem est laudantium porro ipsa dolorem quasi aspernatur sed ipsam, eligendi repudiandae nostrum.[/fusion_text][fusion_separator style_type=”single solid” sep_color=”” border_size=”” icon=”” icon_circle=”” icon_circle_color=”” alignment=”center” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” top_margin=”8%” bottom_margin=”” /][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_6″ type=”1_6″ layout=”1_6″ spacing=”” center_content=”no” link=”” target=”_self” min_height=”” hide_on_mobile=”medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” hover_type=”none” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” border_position=”all” box_shadow=”no” box_shadow_blur=”0″ box_shadow_spread=”0″ box_shadow_color=”” box_shadow_style=”” background_type=”single” gradient_start_position=”0″ gradient_end_position=”100″ gradient_type=”linear” radial_direction=”center center” linear_angle=”180″ background_color=”” background_image=”” background_image_id=”” background_position=”left top” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_blend_mode=”none” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” filter_type=”regular” filter_hue=”0″ filter_saturation=”100″ filter_brightness=”100″ filter_contrast=”100″ filter_invert=”0″ filter_sepia=”0″ filter_opacity=”100″ filter_blur=”0″ filter_hue_hover=”0″ filter_saturation_hover=”100″ filter_brightness_hover=”100″ filter_contrast_hover=”100″ filter_invert_hover=”0″ filter_sepia_hover=”0″ filter_opacity_hover=”100″ filter_blur_hover=”0″ first=”false” last=”true” element_content=”” margin_bottom=”0px” margin_top=”5px” border_sizes_top=”0px” border_sizes_bottom=”0px” border_sizes_left=”0px” border_sizes_right=”0px”][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container][fusion_global id=”720″]

European Vacation in Italy

European Vacation in Italy

Last Summer, we flew to Italy to photograph a wedding in Tuscany. Since we had already made the trip, we extended our stay to enjoy a European vacation in Italy. We landed at Fiumicino Airport in Rome in the early hours of the morning, hopped in our rental car, and headed out to Firenze. The first three days of our trip were spent exploring this spectacular city. While walking down the narrow streets and along the Arno, we feasted on spaghetti, gelato, and lots of tasty Italian beers.   

In Italy, Florence specifically,  is known for its leather goods. While walking the city streets one will see endless vendors selling everything from jackets and belts to shoes and backpacks. Other local artisans can be found throughout the city. Painters recreating local scenes are a sight to behold and their talent is just incredible.

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european vacation in italy

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european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

San Gimignano and Siena

Following our stay in Florence, we headed South to Tuscany where our second stay awaited us- Borgo San Luigi. Nestled deep in the Tuscan countryside, this stunning resort was home for us for two nights. The staff took the absolute best care of us and we recommend to anyone who is planning a European vacation in Italy.

Breakfast consisted of an omelette bar with farm fresh eggs, a veggie and fruit juice bar, and daily-made pastries that knocked our socks off. Two major towns were located just a short drive away from where we were staying- San Gimignano and Siena. San Gimigano was at the top of our list of places to visit during our trip. This 800-year-old walled medieval town sits atop a hills and boasts 360 degree Tuscan views.

Nicknamed the medieval Manhattan, San Gimignano is known for its towers that are spread throughout the town. With classic architecture, absolutely incredible food, and unparalled views, we could have wandered around forever. 

The next stop on our trip was the town of Siena. Most famous for their food, narrow streets, and the famous bi-annual Palio, this town is just overflowing with things to do. It just so happened that our visit would coincide with the famous Palio. This event, dating back to the 1600’s is the most important event that takes place in Siena. Ten riders, each representing a different city ward, ride horses bareback in the city center for three laps.

It is absolutely something one must experience in their lifetime.

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european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

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european vacation in italy

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european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

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european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy


Ah, Rome. Where do we even begin with this spectacular city. Filled with a seemingly endless list of landmarks to visit, we only just scratched the surface of this magical place. Only having a day here to explore before our flight home, we saw as much as we possibly could in 24 hours. The great coliseum was at the top of the list, followed by the Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, and Altar of the Fatherland. 

Needless to say, all of the walking and exploring certainly gave us quite the appetite. Fortunately, we just so happened to be surrounded by some of the most excellent restaurants in the world. For ten days straight we were in pasta, pizza, and truffle heaven! 

On the morning that we were set to head home, I woke up before sunrise to capture the sleeping city, before the streets were overrun with people. There’s just something about that warm light from sunrise and a quiet city that’s just magical.

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european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

Borgo Santo Pietro

One venue in particular that was a must during the trip was Borgo Santo Pietro. This five star estate is truly a dream come true. They havean infinity pool, suites fit for royalty, lush gardens, and a spa that I could die happy in. We spent the first few hours of hour visit exploring the seemingly endless grounds. They have an organic farm that is absolutely mind blowing- not to mention their vineyard and culinary gardens. This property is truly like something out of a fairy tale. 

We stopped into their restaurant, Trattoria Sull’Albero which hands down serves the best prosciutto pizza I’ve ever eaten.  After a mild food coma, we continued our tour inside the property’s 13th century villa. 

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european vacation in italy

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european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

Amalfi Coast

One of our last stops on our trip was to visit the infamous Amalfi Coast. We stayed in Serrano, ja quaint little town just a short drive from the town of Positano. No one told us that parking a car in Positano is a hopeful wish. We left our rental at the top of the hill upon arriving and made our way down via a series of steep, narrow steps. After about a mile of descending, we finally made it.

The narrow streets were fulls of tourists and vendors who were selling their goods. The buildings in the town are almost overlapping one another, similar to Santorini. This place really exudes relation to whoever visits. Being there makes you want just kick back with an aperol spritz on your hand and your feet up. We (slowly) headed back up to the car after a relaxing lunch to visit our next destination: Villa Cimbrone in Ravello. 

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european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

Villa Cimbrone

I knew before even leaving for Italy that we absolutely had to visit this iconic hotel. Villa Cimbrone is perched atop the Amalfi Coastline overlooking the Mediterranean and has been around since the 11th century. This venue contains the iconic Terrazzo dell’lnfinito (perfect for cocktail hour) and an ancient crpyt that hosts the most beautiful wedding reception you’ve ever seen.

We had the most wonderful time visiting this beautiful country and we can’t wait to return for our next adventure!

european vacation in italy

European vacation in Italy

european vacation in italy

European vacation in Italy

European vacation in Italy

european vacation in italy

European vacation in Italy

european vacation in italy

European vacation in Italy

european vacation in italy

european vacation in italy

Film Lab | Richard Photo Lab


European vacation in Italy


This University Uses Interior Color to Improve Accessibility

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Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.[/fusion_text][fusion_title title_type=”text” rotation_effect=”bounceIn” display_time=”1200″ highlight_effect=”circle” loop_animation=”off” highlight_width=”9″ highlight_top_margin=”0″ before_text=”” highlight_text=”” after_text=”” content_align=”left” size=”3″ font_size=”” animated_font_size=”” line_height=”” letter_spacing=”” text_color=”” animated_text_color=”” highlight_color=”” style_type=”default” sep_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]Qui voluptatum et ab sunt tenetur voluptas.[/fusion_title][fusion_text]Consequatur modi et sapiente ut. Omnis voluptatum quia. Nihil iure doloremque voluptas dignissimos. Labore sunt esse illum qui molestias delectus voluptatibus. Sit impedit eum aliquam porro possimus laborum aut nostrum. Vel atque laboriosam explicabo non voluptas.[/fusion_text][fusion_text fusion_font_variant_text_font=””]

Soluta fuga voluptas odit officiis assumenda sed. Error similique et esse est harum earum tenetur explicabo autem. Aut ea distinctio et labore cupiditate nam repellat ducimus voluptatem.

[/fusion_text][fusion_text]Aut in quisquam veniam aut. Quae consequuntur culpa. Qui ea adipisci optio cumque temporibus omnis. Quia quo est est nisi possimus non. Facilis qui maiores quia et aut. Eum eveniet maiores qui sunt asperiores.[/fusion_text][fusion_text]Repellat vel ipsa modi. Tenetur ducimus et saepe voluptate. Perferendis non aut quos quod natus eos quasi libero inventore.[/fusion_text][fusion_title title_type=”text” rotation_effect=”bounceIn” display_time=”1200″ highlight_effect=”circle” loop_animation=”off” highlight_width=”9″ highlight_top_margin=”0″ before_text=”” rotation_text=”” highlight_text=”” after_text=”” content_align=”left” size=”2″ font_size=”” animated_font_size=”” line_height=”” letter_spacing=”” text_color=”” animated_text_color=”” highlight_color=”” style_type=”default” sep_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]

Mauris tellus massa, tempus quis elit accumsan, lobortis.


Quae quia quaerat totam vel. In dolorem esse illo corrupti et. Perspiciatis ratione est sed ut et voluptate velit magnam dicta. Quae rem sed ut autem ut numquam. Reprehenderit nobis distinctio sint id quidem repudiandae.


Minima eveniet et. Quia repudiandae quidem aut id aspernatur et ea ipsum. Dolor occaecati debitis quasi quo veniam.

[/fusion_text][fusion_title title_type=”text” rotation_effect=”bounceIn” display_time=”1200″ highlight_effect=”circle” loop_animation=”off” highlight_width=”9″ highlight_top_margin=”0″ before_text=”” rotation_text=”” highlight_text=”” after_text=”” content_align=”left” size=”3″ font_size=”” animated_font_size=”” line_height=”” letter_spacing=”” text_color=”” animated_text_color=”” highlight_color=”” style_type=”default” sep_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]

Phasellus ac quam vitae mauris mollis

[/fusion_title][fusion_text]Velit at eveniet sint at et. Autem cum officiis reiciendis est corrupti sunt corrupti omnis consequatur. Sunt alias enim. Repudiandae sequi nihil quam non suscipit.

Consectetur error odio voluptatem est. Magni doloremque possimus exercitationem repellendus quo non praesentium. Exercitationem est laudantium porro ipsa dolorem quasi aspernatur sed ipsam, eligendi repudiandae nostrum.[/fusion_text][fusion_separator style_type=”single solid” sep_color=”” border_size=”” icon=”” icon_circle=”” icon_circle_color=”” alignment=”center” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” top_margin=”8%” bottom_margin=”” /][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_6″ layout=”1_6″ spacing=”” center_content=”no” link=”” target=”_self” min_height=”” hide_on_mobile=”medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” hover_type=”none” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” border_position=”all” box_shadow=”no” box_shadow_blur=”0″ box_shadow_spread=”0″ box_shadow_color=”” box_shadow_style=”” background_type=”single” gradient_start_position=”0″ gradient_end_position=”100″ gradient_type=”linear” radial_direction=”center center” linear_angle=”180″ background_color=”” background_image=”” background_image_id=”” background_position=”left top” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_blend_mode=”none” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” filter_type=”regular” filter_hue=”0″ filter_saturation=”100″ filter_brightness=”100″ filter_contrast=”100″ filter_invert=”0″ filter_sepia=”0″ filter_opacity=”100″ filter_blur=”0″ filter_hue_hover=”0″ filter_saturation_hover=”100″ filter_brightness_hover=”100″ filter_contrast_hover=”100″ filter_invert_hover=”0″ filter_sepia_hover=”0″ filter_opacity_hover=”100″ filter_blur_hover=”0″ first=”false” last=”true” element_content=”” margin_bottom=”0px” margin_top=”5px” border_sizes_top=”0px” border_sizes_bottom=”0px” border_sizes_left=”0px” border_sizes_right=”0px” type=”1_6″][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container][fusion_global id=”720″]